Thursday, February 3, 2011


My project team member is a troll. We have a website for CS141 that he constantly puts random javascript on! Yes, it is our fault that we do not sanitize our input but he keeps doing it! Whine whine whine.

Fun email I sent to Donnie:

Hello Mr. Redston,

I am slightly irked in finding out today, Thursday the 3rd of February of the glorious year 2011, that a promise that you, Mister Ronald Redston the Third, made to be yesterday, Wednesday the 2nd of February on the 11th year past the 2nd millennia, has been broken. On that fateful morning during glass my friends and I conversed about a certain "bib cat" if you do recall. We traversed the intertubes to find such an example of a "bib cat" and after painstaking work we decided to show you. It was during that time that you, the defendant in question, promised to put said "bib cat" onto your PowerPoint slides if I, the accuser, were to send you the picture of one "bib cat".

This internet mailing log shows my side of the transaction:

Subject: bib cat
Date: February 2, 2011 11:35:26 AM PST

One "bib cat" was sent to you by the internet mail and should have been received by you. If you do not take action and add an example of a "bib cat" to your notes, my fellow witnesses and I will not stand lightly to such a blatant disruption of our mutual trust. I hope you heed this warning and do not take it lightly.

The party for fair treatment of "bib cat" and "yak zap"

But yeah right now we're doing distributed file system stuff in class. It's going well, but there are still a lot of issues we need to work on.

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