Saturday, February 12, 2011

CEO of Japan Airlines

Who ever would have though the CEO of one of the largest airlines in the world would be so humble? He cut all of his perks and makes only 90,000$ a year. It's such a striking comparison to the heads of American corporations that seem to be in it for themselves.

For me, I believe a lot of the mentality comes from the Japanese culture that revolves around community and selflessness. The American ideologies are much different. Kids are taught from an early age to be independent and think for themselves. It's amazing how different two of the most advanced countries in the world can be eh?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, I definitely know of Americans who really believe in the "others before self" mentality. Perhaps it's just that they realize they need to make sure they are secure in their own lives first, before attempting to help others.
