I've fervently been trying to scrounge up posts that people would find interesting as well these past few days but it seems like it's somewhat for naught as coming into the final stretch we're not on the top spot. Some of the practice behind Google's search results do not make sense. The TA's baseline websites have not been updated since they were created and these sites are still on top! That makes absolutely no sense.
For this post, I'll have the listings for various statistics and grades that our website has gotten using the analytics package that comes with blogger sites. Here's a cool milestone I saw from yesterday:

Woo! It's really hard to believe that this page has been viewed over a thousand times! Shout outs to Elaine for helping to advertise this site a lot :). The overall view statistics are as follows:

It's neat to see the spikes for the days in which we advertise the site on facebook. Sorry for the spam guys! I guess facebook is definitely a great way to spread things! Though I did get a few complaints for the spam :(. Here are the statistics for the people that have visited this site:

It's not a big thing to find out that most of the people are from the US. I do wonder how we have 6 visits from Malaysia and a few from Europe scattered here though! Weird stuff. Also there are some browsers that I have never even heard of that people are using these days. Crazy crazy! Last but not least, the ad revenue gained from the site:

Wowza! $19.25! How ridiculous is that? Too bad we can't cash any of this out until we hit $100 though! This definitely makes me want to keep on blogging and earn money from doing something that's enjoyable.
Cool, thanks for sticking with us till the end of Rankmaniac 2011. I'm going to let this post be the last one for now until the competition is officially over tomorrow. Wish us luck yo!
Edit: One more statistic, check out the posts that got the most hits:

This current post has the most clicks! And in second place is the Starcraft video. There definitely is a big correlation between the number of people that view a particular post and the number of people that link to the post from Facebook. Also, the pages that Elaine links to get more views that the pages that I personally link to. I guess she's way more popular than I am!