Friday, January 28, 2011


I awoke to the phone ringing and even though it felt like I hadn't slept all that well after I got up and had some coffee I knew the 6 hours of sleep had really helped A LOT! I'm not saying though, that I won't tell you to f* off if you're giving me more information than needed.

Maybe Ill tell you about the fantastic evening I spent mostly alone last night. I was going to tell you about the The Back Facial..... which was soooo incredible you just can't believe it....... but I'm going have to save that for later. Sorry there was no post yesterday, but I spent all day driving up from L.A..... and by the time I got here, it was all I could do just to check my email! Last night when we got home I was so tired/bored that I just got ready for bed and listened to Sigur Ros until I fell asleep. When they ring the call bell two seconds after I was just in there and they want me to do something stupid like.... fix the blanket on their lap, I will ask them why they waited til I left the room. I was told i bird walk, it means like, talking about something, going off on a tangent and talking about something completely different, then going back to what i was talking about before like i havent been ranting about something else for the last 5 minutes.

I had the thought, in the middle of my spiky moments on Tuesday and Wednesday, that I've probably been on a wrong track in my general efforts, perceptible through this journal, to keep undue hopefulnes out of my daily round.

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